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Národní dopravní a informační centrum

National Transport and Information Centre
One of the critical projects in the modern history of VARS BRNO dates back to 2008 when the company supplied the complete technical equipment for the brand new National Transport and Information Centre (NDIC), and at the same time, we developed a new control system that was in successful operation until 2017. This was followed by its modernisation, for which VARS BRNO was again the supplier.
The upgrade ensured the conversion of the system to an open architecture. The system is now modular, scalable and open for the integration of third-party modules. Thanks to this openness of the system, the operator can also compete, for example, for maintenance. However, VARS BRNO remains a service partner of NDIC.
NDIC refers to the central control room of the Road and Motorway Directorate, through which traffic is monitored on the entire road network managed by the Road and Motorway Directorate, i.e. motorways, expressways and Class I roads.
The system primarily collects traffic data from various sources—from traffic detectors, Integrated Rescue System systems and others, verifies these data and creates verified traffic information based on them. This data is then used as a data platform for traffic management, road network maintenance, and other activities that the Regional Directorate of Transportation and Traffic Management provides as an administrator. The information provided by the NDIC is an up-to-date and, above all, reliable source for other traffic information consumers, such as providers of dynamic navigation for cars and others.
In addition to the actual output via the data distribution interface, the NDIC system can provide traffic management itself. Based on predefined scenarios, it controls traffic light information boards on motorways. The output from the NDIC system is also an essential resource for traffic engineers and planning.
Project in numbers
Take a look at exciting data about the National Traffic Information Center:
352516 km
roads monitored
1363 km
monitored motorways
traffic information received and release
integrated cameras
variable traffic signs
integrated tunnels
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